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When I launched Beyond the Gray over two years ago, I never dreamed that it would grow to have such a loyal, enthusiastic following. I never imagined all the friends I’d make or all the stories we would share. Most of all, I never realized how much my life would be changed in the process. When I launched Beyond the Gray, I had no expectations at all. I simply wrote from my heart and hoped that good things would follow.

Well, good things have followed. One of my 2011 goals was to hit 50,000 views by the end of the year. We surpassed that months ago. So, to thank you for your support and celebrate this milestone, I decided that it’s time for us to move out of our free, WordPress starter blog and move to a custom home. In the words of the Jeffersons, “we’re movin’ on up!”

So, tomorrow when you stop by, don’t be surprised if you find yourself surrounded by a different design and brighter colors. You’ve helped me move beyond my gray and I look forward to continue helping you move beyond yours.

See you tomorrow!

Photo credit

…there have been a few changes around here lately. Four to be exact. Did you notice them?

I’ll give you some hints…

Look in the upper left corner. Yep, the blog description (under “Beyond the Gray”) has changed from “Inspired Lives Unfolding” to “Aspiring to live my dream. Inspiring you to live yours.”

Why did I do this? Well, I wanted to give people a clearer sense of what they can expect here at Beyond the Gray. When I first started this blog, I had a general idea of what I wanted to write about, but in the past year and a half that vision has evolved and crystallized into something I can now better define.

To that end, the second change is just below it. See that new page, What is The Gray? Since I started this blog a year and a half ago many people have asked me what the name “Beyond the Gray” means. Now you can find out for yourself; pop over there and check it out.

Now look at the navigation on the left hand side. Cleaner and more organized, right? This change was long overdue. I condensed all websites and blog links under Blogroll and all inactive links were removed to ensure a smoother browsing experience. I also removed the “Buy Your Freedom” and “Sunday Night Blues” series to make room for new stuff I’ve got coming. (Posts from those two series can still be found in the archives).

The fourth change is the BIGGEST and MOST EXCITING change of all:
you can now subscribe to Beyond the Gray on your Kindle!!

I know, right?!

A couple weeks ago, I polled you about your reading preferences and was surprised to learn that many of you do much of your reading via e-reader. So when Amazon made it possible for me to offer my blog to Kindle readers, I couldn’t resist. If you would like Beyond the Gray delivered straight to your Kindle, click here… (Note, Amazon charges $1.99/month for blog subscriptions).

A number of people have asked if I’m going to make Beyond the Gray available for other e-reader platforms. The answer is YES…as soon as those platforms allow it.

So, there you have it, four changes that I hope will enhance your experience here. I’m always open to hearing how I can make this blog better, so feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me with your suggestions.

For now…happy reading!

I had a sentimental moment this morning when I logged on to WordPress and saw that Beyond the Gray has officially received over 10,000 hits. I don’t have children, but I have to imagine that the feeling I experienced was like sending your child off to her first day of school (my little blog is all grown up!). Okay, maybe that’s a little over the top, but I am definitely beaming with pride. After all, it was not long ago that this blog had only 10 hits (and I was just as excited back then).

Making the decision to start Beyond the Gray wasn’t an easy one. There was the question of what to write about and, of course, the huge time commitment to consider. But the biggest obstacle of all was the prospect of coming out of the literary closet and admitting my writing dream out loud. This may sound ridiculous, but I wrote my first book without telling a soul (except my hubby) because I couldn’t bear to imagine people’s reactions. When I came up with the concept for Beyond the Gray, I loved the idea of motivating people to follow their own dreams, but the thought of putting mine on display for the world to see was downright unnerving.

Now, nine months and over 10,000 hits later, I can say that starting Beyong the Gray has been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done. Not only has it allowed me to profess who I really am and share my journey with the world, it’s introduced me to fascinating people I would’ve never met, allowed me to inspire and be inspired, and most importantly, it’s shown me that it’s okay to take a risk because you never know when you just might surprise yourself.

So this morning I’d like to raise my coffee mug to all of you. Thank you for joining me on my journey and allowing me to join you on yours!

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