When I launched Beyond the Gray over two years ago, I never dreamed that it would grow to have such a loyal, enthusiastic following. I never imagined all the friends I’d make or all the stories we would share. Most of all, I never realized how much my life would be changed in the process. When I launched Beyond the Gray, I had no expectations at all. I simply wrote from my heart and hoped that good things would follow.

Well, good things have followed. One of my 2011 goals was to hit 50,000 views by the end of the year. We surpassed that months ago. So, to thank you for your support and celebrate this milestone, I decided that it’s time for us to move out of our free, WordPress starter blog and move to a custom home. In the words of the Jeffersons, “we’re movin’ on up!”

So, tomorrow when you stop by, don’t be surprised if you find yourself surrounded by a different design and brighter colors. You’ve helped me move beyond my gray and I look forward to continue helping you move beyond yours.

See you tomorrow!

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