I NEVER win.

My husband and our poor friends who went camping with us this past weekend were subject to my whining and complaining after every game of ring toss, beanbag toss, ladder golf, even fishing. I stood by as everyone else basked in their respective victories and I pretended not to notice how they took turns having the dead weight (me) on their team.

Losing used to make me mad; ugly, jealous, defeated mad. But at some point I came to accept that when it comes to anything remotely athletic, I rarely come out a winner (with the exception of a fifth grade Track & Field High Jump event that I accidentally entered and won bronze in, thanks solely to my height advantage, not skill).

So this morning, when I logged on to my computer and clicked over to the Write It Sideways website to see who won the Blogging Contest, I most certainly did not expect to see my name. After all, I’m the girl who went an entire basketball season without scoring. In my mind, a five-way tie between all the other finalists would’ve more likely. 

But there it was: my name, listed as one of two winners.

At first, I did a double take. Then, I re-read the post to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating.

I wasn’t and I’m still in disbelief.

So I’d like to extend my gratitude to everyone who took the time to read my entry, “Use Your 5 Senses to Gauge Your Book’s Potential” and felt that it was worthy of your vote. Unlike beanbag toss and basketball, writing is something that really matters to me. I’ve been working towards my writing dream for well over five years and this kind of recognition makes it all worthwhile.

So thank you, friends, for giving me a win that really matters 🙂