After a brief hiatus, the Legends Book Club is back!

If you’re new here, the Legends Book Club is a virtual book club designed to explore the lives of “legends” (from athletes and artists, to businesspeople, politicians, scientists and more). Our goal is to understand how these extraordinary people reached their dreams (and overcame the challenges, fears and roadblocks they faced along the way) so we can learn from their experiences as we follow our own dreams.

In April we read Always Looking Up: The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist by Michael J. Fox and examined the profound impact that attitude can have on the trajectory of our lives and dreams. This month we’re going to be switching things up a bit. Rather than a reading about a “legend” per se, we’re going to be reading about someone who is likely a legend in the making. I’m excited to announce that June’s reading selection is:

The One-Week Job Project by Sean Aiken

Target reading pace: 10 pages/day


After he graduated from college, Sean Aiken found himself struggling to answer the question “What should I do with my life?” So he decided to try everything, embarking on an epic journey to find his passion. His goal: to work fifty-two jobs in fifty-two weeks. After the launch of his website,, the offers began pouring in. From his first gig as a bungee operator in British Columbia, he traveled across North America, reinventing himself as a journalist, a firefighter, a radio DJ, a teacher, and a martial arts instructor, among other professions. Over the course of his seven-day stints, Sean found time to make new friends and even fall in love. Whether choosing a spring fashion line, brewing beer, or milking a cow, Sean continued to ask himself and others about the nature of success and the real meaning of happiness – all while having the adventure of his life.

This book is supported by Sean Aiken’s blog:

Haven’t participated in our book club before? Here’s how it works: At the beginning of each month I announce the book we’ll be reading and the target pace. You can read along with me or simply tune in for the discussions. Throughout the month, I’ll be posting questions and topics for everyone to discuss. You can join in the conversation by posting your remarks in the comments section.

Tune in tomorrow for a discussion on living a life your passionate about.

Happy reading!

Got a reading suggestion for the Legends Book club? Feel free to e-mail it to me at Erika (dot) Liodice (at sign) hotmail (dot) com.