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A couple weeks ago I mentioned that I’ve been selected as a finalist in the Write It Sideways Blogging Contest. Today, I’m pleased to announce that my article, Use Your 5 Senses to Gauge Your Book’s Potential, is making its debut on Write It Sideways!

This is thrilling for a number of reasons:

  1. I can cross off one of my 2011 Goals (#8. Publish my non-fiction work in new places).
  2. My work is in good company alongside articles from seven other extremely talented, hard-working writers.
  3. It’s nice to have someone other than my husband (who has my work forced upon him on a daily basis) acknowledge that my writing isn’t half bad.

If you have a chance, I hope you’ll swing by Write It Sideways and check out all the finalists’ entries. You’ll have the chance to vote for your favorite on May 8th!

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